Monday, 15 July 2013

Six Degrees of Separation

   Has anyone heard of the term 'Six degrees of separation?' It's the theory that any two people in the world are connected in some way by no more than six people. eg: I know someone who knows someone who knows...

   I did some searching on line and with all I found and read supposedly this theory works. On some web pages they go as far as cutting it back to three degrees. They also mention that with social medias this degree gets even smaller. But I won't go into that one because as we all know, not all of our 'friends' on face book, and followers on twitter  are people that we actually and personally know.

   So here are a few examples of mine, my dad has a friend Brian, (who is originally from England) his mother's cousin regularly took tea with the queen. so as I know Brian personally the queen is only 2 people away from me. 

   I know someone who has met Paul Brandt. one degree away!

   One writer on line describes that we are much closer than 6 degrees, that if we go another route we would find a connection much closer. so this could go on and on in different ways!

   Of course being a Hutterite the circle will grow smaller. for example if one Hutterite meets a famous whoever, chances are we will know someone who knows that one Hutterite, if we don't personally already know that one. 

   Does anyone have any celebrity or famous figures that they can lay claim to via the six degrees of separation? Please feel free to share!


  1. WE have some friends in Los Angeles, where we lived for many years, who go to the same church as the man who invented the game "Upwords." Anyone who invents a game is a celebrity to me!

  2. that's cool! I'm a scrabble girl myself, but I do enjoy other word games! thanks for the response!
