Friday, 9 May 2014

What happened! ? :-)

I believe I owe my readers an apology. After numerous emails and even phone calls, asking what happened to me, I thought I would let you in on the secret. which isn't a big one really. the main problem (?) is that my mind has just shut down on things to blog about, actually that isn't true, I have a few ideas going through my mind of what I wish to talk about next, but so far I haven't sat down and written it out yet.

Another thing, I no longer have access to internet as much as I used to, and before you start feeling sorry for me, don't. I now have my life back! seriously, when you have internet 24/7 you are online 24/7 or pretty near. I really truly, feel it was one of the best things that happened, although I will say, I do miss google. :-( but on the bright side, I have money in my wallet again. :-)

If my readers feel they can give me ideas on what to blog about, feel free to give me a shout either by commenting or by email. my email address is

And one more thing, if you haven't noticed yet, I have removed the post titled "Kelvin's story" I had a few reservations about publishing it at all, but I did, but after deep reflecting I decided to delete it, after all that is someone else's story and words, not mine. I am sorry about the comments, but they go away with the post, so.....

anyways, please bear with me.